السبت، 21 مارس 2015

Indian elegance with this cup of scalding grease

By on 1:27 ص

Indian elegance with this cup of scalding grease

الجمعة، 20 مارس 2015

Diet Health Dieting specifications

By on 1:39 م

Some of the important qualities that must be available in the health and proper diet we show you on the magazine Diet
Health Dieting specifications
 Recruit foods that you like addressed, and stay away from foods that should be deleted from the list of favorites 
Prevent fast food completely wrong, this may push you towards a plus, you can learn what foods should not be Tkthrey them, and those that must make them part of your food routine

amutira To eat breakfast

amutira Not to provide fast food in the house so as not to be easily at hand

amutira The diversity of food, because eating the same food frequently may lead to a lack of nutrients
Eating fatty meat and fish

Eat a big salad at the beginning and lunch daily

Reduce the intake of carbohydrates, such as pasta and rice

Aims to reach the healthy weight and maintain the continuity of it

Weight decreases gradually at a rate of 1.2 to 1.5 kg per week       

10 Fruits Beneficial For Treating Hair Loss

By on 12:19 م

We all already know the importance of having fresh fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet should include fruits and vegetables are not only good for the body but also for your skin and hair. It is undeniable fact that your diet affects your skin and hair. Unhealthy foods not only makes you look dull, but also cause some hair problems like hair loss and hair damage

10 Fruits Beneficial For Treating Hair Loss

Many foods that can help treat skin and hair problems. For example, bananas are one of the popular fruit that is very beneficial for skin and hair care. Similarly, there are some healthy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and carrots are good for the hair. Hair loss is a common problem of everyone. Even after taking proper hair care, the problem turns out msih there. So, here is a list of fruits that you can use to prepare a package of hair and cure hair loss naturally

Orange can be used for hair to promote hair growth and cope with hair loss. You can also use the juice or extract to your hair to get the best results.

Grapefruit This citrus fruit is a rich source of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that increases blood circulation thus reducing hair loss naturally.

Lemon beneficial to give beauty to the hair. You can apply lemon to treat hair loss, dandruff, itchy scalp and dry naturally.

The dark coloured fruits also help treat hair loss and increase hair growth. It contains natural chemicals called bioflavanoids which increases blood circulation in the scalp thus reducing hair fall naturally.

Cherries are rich in bioflavanoids that can help treat hair loss naturally.

To have healthy hair, you must have plums. You can add the pulp of plums to your hair mask to reduce hair loss.

Mashed banana pulp if applied on the hair and scalp treats hair loss and helps get shiny and lustrous hair.

Guava is rich in vitamin A that promotes new hair growth and also increases the function of mucous membranes. Add few drops of honey and lemon juice if you have dandruff. Mix and apply on your hair to get the best results.

The juicy extract of papaya is a natural exfoliator for the skin and hair. If mixed with milk and honey, it not only treats scalp problems but also reduces hair fall naturally.

This fruit is mostly used to treat scalp problems. If your scalp is not clean, it can lead to hair fall. So, a homemade peach hair mask can be of great help.

Women Smokers Prone to Skin Cancer

By on 12:17 م

Health Articles - A smoker has a risk of experiencing health problems Sell Squamous Carcinoma (SCC), one of the health problems of non-melanoma skin cancer. In fact, the risk is doubled in women who have the habit of smoking at least 20 years old.

Thus the results of the study Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida, which was published in Cancer Causes and Control Journal.

Women Smokers Prone to Skin Cancer

In the study, the research team involving 698 participants, consisting of patients with non-melanoma skin cancer, and who have no skin disorder at all.

They asked all the participants to answer questions about smoking history, ranging from how long have smoked, how many rods a day, and if ever smoked.

The analysis showed, women have a higher risk of skin cancer types of SCC than men. The more intense the frequency of smoking, the risk is increased. The biggest risk experienced by women who have the habit of smoking every day for 20 years or more.

SCC has a big risk of spread from one organ to another organ, such as the face, ears, and lips. In fact, if not immediately treated to destroy the nose and ears.

Dr. Dana Rollison, lead author of the study, said it is not clear why women who smoke have a greater risk of skin cancer. But the results of the study showed, women contains cancer-causing compounds, and low levels of DNA repair enzymes than men.

"Further study is needed to explain more about the differences in the effects of smoking by sex," he said

Women smokers at risk of early menopause, at least one year earlier than women nonsmokers. Women smokers are generally menopause between the ages of 43-50 years. While non-smokers tend to postmenopausal women in the age range 46-51 years

Conclusions derived from the analysis of a number of previous studies involving tens of thousands of women, including the results of a survey of 6,000 women in the United States, Poland, and Turkey

The study, published in the journal Menopause did not stop the threat of an early menopause. Therefore, early menopause associated with a high risk of developing health problems such as osteoporosis and heart problems

Jennie Kline from the Mailman School of Public Health Columbia University, New York, said that smoking is likely to affect a woman's body in controlling the production of estrogen. Smoking also contain toxins that can damage the egg cell in the ovary. "This may be the influence of menopause," he said

Pot Smoking May Leave Mark On Teen Brains

By on 12:16 م

Teenagers who frequently smoke marijuana may be setting themselves up for declines in intelligence and mental function that persist well into adulthood, new research suggests

In a decades-long study of more than 1,000 New Zealanders, researchers found that adolescents who used marijuana at least four days per week lost an average of eight IQ points between the ages of 13 and 38—a pattern not seen among people who began smoking heavily only in adulthood
Heavy pot smokers tended to show deficits in memory, concentration, and overall brainpower in relation to their peers, but these problems were more pronounced—and seemingly more lasting—among those who picked up the habit as teens, the study found.

Individuals who smoked heavily in adolescence had consistently lower IQs at age 38, even if they’d cut back in the previous year. By contrast, the IQ of the relative latecomers to marijuana was more closely linked with how much pot they’d smoked recently.

“The effect of persistent cannabis use on intellectual functioning is really confined to adolescents, [which] suggests that adolescents, in particular, are vulnerable to the effect of cannabis,” says lead author Madeline H. Meier, Ph.D., a psychologist and postdoctoral researcher at Duke University, in Durham, North Carolina.
Related links:

    Binge Drinking, Pot May Harm Teen Brains
    Does Occasionally Smoking Marijuana Affect Your Health?
    Medical Marijuana, State By State

An eight-point decline in IQ isn’t negligible, the authors say. Previous research suggests a drop in intelligence of that magnitude could, for instance, affect a person’s long-term career prospects, job performance, and income.

It’s reasonable to suspect that still-growing teen brains might be especially sensitive to the cumulative effects of marijuana, says Jeffrey Brosco, M.D., a professor of pediatrics at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

“In the developing brain, neurons are growing and changing, synapses are forming,” says Brosco, who was not involved in the study. “When there’s a lot of change in any part of the body, particularly the brain, that usually means it’s more vulnerable to environmental influences.”

The new study, which was published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doesn’t prove that marijuana use directly impairs intelligence. It does, however, provide some of the strongest evidence to date of a cause-and-effect relationship.

The study participants underwent IQ tests when they were 13—before they’d ever tried marijuana—and again as adults, which provided the researchers a before-and-after snapshot of their intelligence. Earlier studies that found a link between mental ability and pot smoking have generally looked at a single point in time, raising the possibility that low IQ increases the likelihood of marijuana use, rather than vice versa, Meier says.

But Meier and her colleagues weren’t able to entirely rule out alternative explanations for the IQ declines seen in the study. For instance, although they controlled for alcohol and drug use, they focused on full-blown dependence (as opposed to more casual use) and therefore may have underestimated the effects of teen drinking

“It’s hard to be dependent as a teenager, so you worry about [whether] you can be sure it’s the cannabis,” Brosco says. “Alcohol is well known to be a neurotoxin.”

Only 5% of the study participants began smoking marijuana regularly before age 18, and it’s not clear from the findings whether less-frequent users might experience similar declines in IQ and mental function. More research will be needed to determine the minimum dosage of marijuana associated with these problems, the authors say.

How to Prevent and Eliminate Blackheads Naturally

By on 11:29 ص

How to Prevent and Eliminate Blackheads Naturally 

 Blackheads by the term is divided into two blackhead blackheads blackhead and whitehead. Blackhead blackheads also known as open comedones, blackheads will look like pores are enlarged and colored black. While blackheads whiteheads, called closed comedones, blackheads are usually grown above types of pores are clogged so it looks like a tiny white bumps under the skin surface

With the presence of both blackheads blackhead blackheads and whiteheads are barangtentu would be a common problem for prioritizing performance especially for a public figure who often appeared in public. Not easy to get rid of blackheads and even for those who do not have much money to spend a few are willing to buy the drugs they also perform medical treatment abroad to all.

Here's How to Remove Blackheads Natural and Scientific

1. Avoid using creamy cosmetics and oils that can increase the chances of blackheads.

2. Give your facial steam at least once a week. Put your face on the mangguk boiling water so water vapor touches the skin. To get maximum steam, cover your head with a towel. Then, use a mixture of honey and sugar for scrubbing. This method will remove blackheads as well as soften your skin.

3. Exfoliation is an important step to eliminate dead skin cells. It helps get rid of dead skin pile up on the skin pores causing blackheads and pimples.

4. For owners of oily skin, try using a mask made from clay in order to reduce the oil in the skin. Choose a mask that does not contain mint, peppermint or other irritating ingredients cause. Better to use a material that does not contain an added fragrance.

5. Make an exterminator mask blackheads by mixing lime juice, almond oil and glycerin. Apply on face for a few minutes. It will not only help reduce blackheads, but also get rid of black spots acne scars on the face.

6. Moisten face with a warm wet cloth pressed every night for 15 minutes. It will lift dead skin cells, dirt, and other particles clog pores. After use, boil the cloth in boiling water to kill germs and bacteria.

7. Warm a little honey and apply on the face of blackheads. Wash your face after 10 minutes. Honey acts as a natural moisturizer as well as remove blackheads.

Method - the method above when done consistently will certainly give satisfactory results, do not ever try to squeeze and remove blackheads with nails. Instead of getting the results of the cleaning step removes blackheads or pimples, that there could be injured skin and irritated to allow entry of bacteria in the skin so use an effective way to eliminate blackheads.

So is there any other product that could mislead blackheads?

Well here is an example of similar products or cosmetics that cause the occurrence of blackheads include cleansing milk, sunscreen, foundation, pressed powder, ginseng shampoo and conditioner. You should know that, pressed powder is a product that contains the highest comedogenic substances. In the use of compact powder too long not only cause blackheads, but also cause acne

So what foods should be avoided to prevent blackheads?

Avoid eating chocolate, milk chocolate, durian, peanuts, eggs, nuts, cheese, avocado, ripe mangos, shellfish, cream powder, all types of milk (full cream, low or non fat), fried, coconut milk, and fatty meats .
Prompts thing to do is to implement a healthy lifestyle is also concerned enough balanced nutrition intake. Perform enough sleep and rest, avoid stress as well.

In addition to the above cara2 Here's how to remove blackheads using natural materials more:

1. Remove blackheads egg white.
How do I make it? take a fresh egg and break it took the whites only, then mix terrsebut egg whites and add 1 teaspoon of honey. How its use spread to the face and let it dry for 20-30 minutes, then wash face with warm water. Useful measures to reduce the appearance of blackheads and help prevent new blackheads diwajah you.

2. Remove blackheads with Aloe vera.
How to make it break the stem and rub aloe vera mucus into the area blackheads. The function of the skin Aloe vera can also accelerate the healing process of the skin, including skin that komedoan. As a result, the skin will become more fresh and smooth without any blackheads again.

3. Remove blackheads kitchen salt.
How do I make use of table salt to remove blackheads? The following steps once a day wash your face with warm water that has been mixed salt. So what is the function of salt for blackheads, salt will certainly will reduce excess oil on the face, that salt will help remove blackheads if you routinely do that consistently.

4. White water remove blackheads.
The benefits of water are remarkable in addition to very good for metabolism system organs like the kidneys, then to drink lots of water will help cleanse the digestive system that makes the skin smooth and radiant.

5. Remove blackheads with ice cubes.
How to remove blackheads using ice is fairly easy to do, step rubbed ice cubes diarea blackheads face roughly around 10 minutes. Benefits ice cubes will make the skin pores become smaller until blackheads are not easy to penetrate.

6. Remove blackheads with lime.
Orange juice turns out to have a function as well as the tremendous benefits in addition to cure coughs, eliminating fat and fat due to the fishy smell can also be used as an exterminator blackheads. So how? to remove blackheads using lime you need to do is mix it with almond oil and glycerin, Make hahan As with the mask, then apply on the affected facial blackheads for a few minutes. Well in addition to the benefits of this herb helps reduce blackheads will also get rid of acne scars, if your acne before

7. Remove blackheads with honeyHoney is very effective in the treatment process at all, so many benefits of honey for the treatment scientifically proven to cure diseases including sharing as well as blackheads. So how do I treat blackheads using media this honey?
Here's how, warm little honey and apply on the face of blackheads. Then wash your face after 10 minutes. Honey in the treatment of blackheads act as a natural moisturizer as well as remove blackheads on the face

In addition to the above the most important ways in the treatment of blackheads is to correct facial skin care is to wash your face every day using a mild soap or facial scrub to aid removal of excessive sebum and dead skin cells causes the blackheads. An important step that you should avoid is the use of make-up of oil-based materials used for this type of make-up can enhance oil in the follicle

How to Select Cuts and Hair Styles According to Face Shape

By on 11:26 ص

How to Select Cuts and Hair Styles According to Face Shape 

Choose a hairstyle based on your face shape is something we have to consider if you want to look elegant
Besides face shape, hair type and the type must also be taken seriously

Face shape and hair type, combined with the right will produce styles and hair look more perfect

To see the pieces and hairstyles based on the shape of your face, here are some ways that may help you in choosing a suitable haircut, among others:

Cuts and Hair Styles For Oval Faces

The oval face shape very well with the shape and style of any good hair haircut that long nor short. Avoid pieces are thick and long bangs in the area of ​​the face because it will reduce your face.

Cuts and Hair Styles For Round Face

Round face hairstyles that fit more in the top of the head, combing hair towards the side of the face is also very suitable. Hairstyle thick at the top and decorated with side bangs pretty well bida selected. This combination can be paired with a short haircut on the chin and a bit more length below the chin.
Avoid hair styles with small mengikalkan your hair. In addition the model also avoid thick bangs that cover the forehead and bangs split the middle. Trim your hair chin right on the limit
Cuts and Hair Styles for Square Face

Square face shape is well matched to the short or medium haircut that falls above or below the jaw. Using asymmetrical hair style and cut hair with a round shape that is thicker at the top of the head is also in accordance with a square face shape. In addition, you can also try a short hair style wavy or medium.
Avoid long hairstyle in vise. Cut the hair just above the jaw with extra thick bangs that cover the forehead

Cuts and Hair Styles for Heart Shaped Faces

Perfect heart-shaped face with a hairstyle that attaches to the side of the face on the over the ear and a hairstyle that is thicker in the lower limit of the ear.
Short hairstyles chin-length bob or a shaggy style, using soft bangs that seem to cover the broad forehead can also be a good alternative. Try also the hair style with layers combed forward and the thin bangs.
Do not let your hair is too thick at the top of the head and avoid the fringe meets the forehead, back comb the hair with a slick style of back

Cuts and Hair Styles For A Long Face

For those of you who have a long face shape will be an excellent fit with the style thicken hair on both sides of the face by adding bangs open with thin strokes or even sideways. Avoid straight and flat hair style or hair cut too short because it will look mismatched with you